Radio frequency nerve lesioning

Radio frequency nerve lesioning
ICD-9-CM 04.2

Radio frequency lesioning is an outpatient procedure using a specialized machine to interrupt nerve conduction on a semi-permanent basis.[1][2] The nerves are usually blocked for 6-9 months.[1] The procedure is typically used to treat pain of joints in the spine.[3]


The procedure is performed most frequently in a fluoroscopy room. Since the procedure targets nerves that cannot be seen on an x-ray, fluroscopy is used to identify bony landmarks that indicate where the relevant nerves usually are.[1] Numbing medication is normally injected before the radiofrequency needle is inserted. After confirmation that the needle tip is positioned correctly, an electrode is inserted into the needle. Using electrical stimulation, the correct nerve is identified by the patient in response to a "tingling" or "buzzing" sensation. This sensation does not typically produce any pain.

A small electrical current from the radiofreqeuncy lesion generator (a computer) is passed through the needle. The nerves are treated with precise controls by a doctor while the needle is inserted into the body.[4] The tissues surrounding the needle tip are then heated or pulsed when electric current is passed using the radiofrequency machine for 60 to 120 seconds. This will numb the nerves. The needle is summarily withdrawn and if successful the nerve branches have been denatured to the point where they are lesioned.

Lesioning most commonly occurs at the medial branches of the nerve roots of the cervical, lumbar and thoracic spine. This is a common procedure to alleviate back pain brought on by degenerative disc disease, facet arthropathy or generalized facet disease.

Typically, a procedure such as this is preceded by a motor sensory nerve stimulation to test the overall functioning of the nerves in this area.

See also
